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Call for Capitalisation Projects focused on Covid-19 recovery


Capitilisation Call Update

The Interreg FCE has launched its call for capitalisation projects focused on Covid-19 recovery. 

The call ‘Covid-19 emergency response - Maximising project impact’ targets current and former FCE projects, as well as organisations from within the programme area. 

Applications must demonstrate successful pilot actions in response to Covid-19, within the 2014-2020 programming period or project results which could be rolled out across the FCE programme area. This could include unforeseen benefits which have emerged during the lifetime of a project, which could benefit from further exploration and support. 

Capitalisation initiatives should also clearly contribute to the programme’s objective of reducing territorial (economic, social and environmental) disparities in the FCE area. 

Terms of Reference 

For more information on the specific eligibility criteria, and guidance on making applications, please see the Terms of Reference


Projects are encouraged to include new partners in order to better reach the relevant territories, target audiences or economic sectors. 

New partners should come from within the Programme area. They can come with or without previous experience of funding programmes. 

Budget and timeline 

For this call, a total of €8million ERDF is available. The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 100% of the total capitalisation project budget, unless the project/partners are State Aid relevant.

 Key dates: 

  • Deadline for applications: 31 March 2021
  • Applications assessed by the Monitoring Committee: 23 March 2021 & 15 June 2021.
  • Notification of decision: within 1 week of Monitoring Committee. 

 How to apply 

Applicants should complete the application form on eMS. The downloadable template is available on the 'Useful documents' section of our website.