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100% intervention rate funding to mitigate Covid-19 impact


Intervention rate update

100% intervention rate funding is available to projects as part of a set of new measures introduced by the European Commission to mitigate the impact of Covid-19.

The FCE programme team has been working hard behind the scenes to secure additional support for projects in acknowledgement of the difficult operating circumstances brought about by the pandemic. 

The 100% intervention rate funding will be available to all FCE projects for the current programme financial year, subject to eligibility.

The funding will be provided for eligible expenditure submitted to the European Commission between 01/07/2020 and 30/06/2021. Projects will receive the funding as part of the usual claims process and the increased intervention rate will be applied to previous claims within the period and will be backdated to 1 July 2020. This means there is no need for project leads or project partners to take any additional steps to receive the 100% intervention rate funding.

The payments will be made to the project lead and project partners once the Joint-Secretariat checklist has been signed and Certifying Authority checks have been carried out.

While the funding is available to all projects across all priority axes, there are some instances where projects will not be able to claim 100% rate. This includes:

  • Partners receiving intervention rate through General Block Exemption Regulation.  These partners cannot receive additional funding as it will put them in breach of the State Aid regulations and the maximum allowable intervention rate. 
  • Partners receiving de minimis.  These partners may be able to receive the increased intervention rate, but this depends on: Having a current signed and dated de minimis form ; the organisation not exceeding the 400,000€ limit in three years by receiving additional funds.
  • Partners with In kind contributions as part of their match funding.  These partners may be able to receive the increased intervention rate if by receiving additional funds, and combined with In Kind contributions, the total amount does not exceed the match funding element (31%) and therefore constitute double funding.

For more information or further questions about the 100% intervention rate funding please speak to your lead project officer.